We want to be a mature Church that leads reformation in Africa.
We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in Him not as a distant historical figure, but rather as a profoundly real and intimate Savior and King. We believe that knowing Jesus is a lifelong experience that calls us to give all our lives, hearts, love, strength and passion to His cause. We believe that finding our identity in Christ elevates our lives to become agents of reformation (salt and light) wherever we go. As agents of reformation, we commit to bringing positive change to four key pillars of our society: our families, our work, our worship and our unity as the Church. We believe that as we dedicate and develop these four key areas, the Lord will be glorified and we will see a re-formation of our community from the inside out.

Statement of Beliefs
What We Believe at Covenant Nations Church
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin and the only Mediator and Way to the Father.
(1 Timothy 2:5)
We believe that because of Jesus’ perfect sacrifice and finished work on the cross, we have the privilege of becoming the children of God. The Bible declares that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, but we are made right with God when we put our faith in the blood sacrifice Jesus made for us. As such, we welcome all people to come to the Lord Jesus and be set free from the power of sin and be reconciled to God. We believe that when Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men to Himself.
(1John 3:1, Romans 3:23-25, John 12:32)We believe in the Baptism in water as an outward symbol of the internal work done through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(1 Peter 3:21)We believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died and was buried and three days later He rose again. We believe that He is coming again soon and that the role of the Church is to disciple the nations through the preaching of the Gospel in expectation of the glorious return of King Jesus to earth.
(Matthew 28:18-20; 25: 31-46)We believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues and the operation in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit. We believe and pursue the manifestation of signs, wonders and miracles as a demonstration of the unrivalled power of God.
(Luke 24:49; Galatians 5:22-23, Acts 1:4)We believe that worship is our highest calling and cultivate a culture and lifestyle of worship of the Lord.
(John 4:23-24)We believe in the Ecclesia, the Church, being established above all other spheres of influence and all the nations flowing to it (Isaiah 2:2). We believe that the Ecclesia is the Light of the world, a city that is set on a hill.
(Matthew 5:14)We believe that the Church is the household of faith, the family of believers on earth, walking together in truth, love, honor & righteousness. The unity of the Church releases blessings on the community and the nations; therefore, we are committed to living in unity with each other and the larger Body of Christ.
(Psalm 133:1-3)We believe that the Lord works through families. He started the world with a family, and He saved the world through His Son born into a family. He is the Father of Lights and therefore we hold the family in highest esteem, we honor marriage between a man and woman as ordained by God. We believe that children, youth, women and men all come together to weave the beautiful tapestry of the House of God.
(Joel 2:28)We believe that the Prophecy in Isaiah 19:19 speaks of the Church in Africa arising to build an altar in the midst of the land of Africa. We are convinced that this prophetic word is speaking specifically about Uganda and the role of the church in Uganda in the building of the highway that leads out of Africa to Israel. By the Power of the Holy Spirit, we at CNC are partnering with the Lord to see this altar established and this Highway built in Africa hastening the return of our King Jesus.
Our Core Values
The Building Blocks of our Church: